BASS – youngest member of the region of innovation Kocher-Jagst
As the only company from outside of the region Kocher-Jagst so far BASS has been admitted in unison to join the region of innovation Kocher-Jagst. Before there was a cooperation since 2007 which has proved its worth in an abundance of jointly realized MINTec*-workshops with the kindergarden of Rinderfeld. We appreciate the admission very much.
The goal of the society of general benefit is the protection of location and the structural promotion. The economy, educational establishments and the public administration are working together on the improvement of apprenticeships and the infrastructure. This type of cooperation is an example – not just in the region: Companies are working jointly for the benefit of the people.
The projects start for example with children in the kindergarden in the form of MINTec*-workshops and continue with the qualification of unskilled employees and the introduction of a 3-year technical high school with the inclusion of MINTec-partner companies.
* MINTec stands for Mathematics, Computer Science, Natural Sciences and Technology
[MEHR] about the region of innovation Kocher-Jagst
[MEHR] about MINTec at BASS
[MEHR] about our commitment in the region of innovation